ICSE 10th Result 2025: ICSE Board Results 2025: Candidates waiting to get their ICSE results 2025 do not have to wait anymore as it will be announced on the official website www.cisce.org that the board results for class 10, and class 12 will be declared in the month of May 2025. The ICSE Result 2025 will be announced two weeks ahead of the schedule, thanks to the new Live Ink Character Recognition (LICR) implemented by the CISCE. This new technique allows marks entered on the top of answer sheets to be captured digitally. Instructions about the ICSE tenth standard results for the current year, There are many processes involved in the tenth standard results and undertaken in the official process. The Council for Indian tuition certificates Examinations is predicted to declare the results for ICSE and ISC category tenth (ICSE) and difficulty twelfth (ISC) on could May 2025 at around the time 3 pm. According to sources from the council’s authentic, the outcome would be out two weeks in prior this year 2025.
CISCE Board Results 2025: The development is the result of a new procedure live Ink personality, attention which is being utilized in generating an outcome for the primary time. This newly presented science captures, and digitalized marks stayed at the high of reply sheet scripts. It encrypts and transfers the info to the council’s cloud-situated servers immediately from the evaluation centers. The CISCE has been the primary ever examination board in the world to have introduced this new very beneficial process. Candidates can click on the right here to learn the authentic notification with the aid of the CISCE board. The effect of the ICSE Class 10 Results 2025 or CISCE Results 2025 or CISCE ICSE Matric Result 2025 shall be available by way of the careers portal of CISCE. The official internet site of the council and by way of SMS. Candidates would also be in a position to enter their results using logging onto the CISCE website and deciding on the results 2025 option.
New Delhi: The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) will announce the results of the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) Class X examinations in May 2025. After the announcement of the 10th Results, those candidates who have doubt about paper correction can apply for recorrection or revaluation or for recounting examination papers, the ICSE 10th results of recorrection or revaluation and recounting results will be released in 10-20 days.
ICSE 10th Result Pass Percentages Statistics of Previous Years:
Year | Over All Pass Percentage % | Boys Pass Percentage (%) | Girls Pass Percentage (%) | No Of Students Appeared For the Examination |
2020 | 99.33 | 99 | 99 | 02,07,902 |
2021 | 99.98 | 99 | 99 | 02,19,499 |
2022 | 99.97 | 99 | 99 | 02,31,063 |
2023 | 98.94 | 99 | 99 | 02,37,631 |
2024 | 99.47 | 99 | 99 | 02,43,617 |
2025 | 98.76 Expected | 98 Exp | 99 Exp | 01,96,458 Exp |
Council Of Indian School Certificate Education – All India:
Last year, both the ICSE 10th Results were announced on May 18th. A total of 1,59,738 class 10 students received their ICSE Results last year; the number was 72,049 for ISC 12th Result. The overall pass percentage was 98.49% for the ICSE 10th Result. On the other hand, Class XII ISC Results registered the best pass percentage of 96.28% in last year’s examination. For both examinations, girls managed to outclass boys by a significant margin.
The ICSE class 10th, and ISC class 12th board exam results 2025 result will be announced officially soon! The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) Class X and Indian School Certificate (ISC) Class 10th results 2025 will be announced by the Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations(CISCE) in May 2025. All those students who appeared for the ICSE Class-X and ISC Class XII examination this year can check their results on the official website cisce.org, cisce.org/results, or careers.cisce.org. Also, Check ISC 12th Result 2025
After publishing the ICSE Matric Result 2025 Class 10 for all subjects then everyone wants to check their ISC SSC 10th Result 2025, CISCE Board Class 10 Result 2025-2026, ICSE Matric 10th Results 2025 Online or Live. You can also check your CISCE Board ICSE 10th Results 2025 name wise, region wise, zone wise, school wise, Roll.No wise, subject wise, district wise, and check regular, private, general, vocational, and supplementary or compartmental results 2025, After the final announcement of ICSE 10th Secondary School Results 2025 you can download merit list, marks sheet, memo, topper list, and pass percentage analysis and you can check your results through via SMS, Email, Mobile Phones, WhatsApp, and Facebook. Keep a daily visit here to know the CISCE Board ICSE 10th Class Result 2025 announcement date, declaration date, releasing date as well as time, and exact date of the CISCE Board Results 2025.
Check Here CISCE ICSE 10th Result 2025 Date Check Here ICSE 10th Class Result 2025 Date Check Here ICSE 10th Result 2025 Name Wise Check Here ICSE 10th Result 2025 School Wise
CISCE ICSE Board 10th Results 2025 Information:
- Name of Board: – CISCE ICSE Examination Board
- Name of Examination: – ICSE Board 10th Class Examination
- Dates of Examination: – February To March 2025
- Supplementary Exam: – June 2025
- Category: – ICSE Delhi 10th Result 2025
- Status: – Available In May 2025
- Official site to check results: www.cisce.org
How To Check ICSE Board SSC 10th Matric Results 2025:
- Log on to the official website cisce.org
- Search for the link related to Delhi ICSE Board Results 2025 on the web page
- Click on the link and fill in the entries like your Roll Number, DOB, etc. whatever is required
- Submit the details, and your result will be on display on your screen
- Download the result and take a printout of it for further use.
All the best to all the students who are appearing for the SSC or 10th class examinations from us. Prepare your level best and follow a good daily routine and study well to get good percentages and marks in the secondary board examinations. Do share this information with your friends and family on Facebook and other social media sites.
is second language compulsoryly included while calculating icse 10 board result.
Yes……Second Language is compulsory while calculating the ICSE board marks
No not at all
Really, you need best of five subjects for your % which includes english as a compulsurry language or subject.
Agree with uh
how you got your result
No, it might not be included in the Best of Five. Only English is compulsory
can the date for board results be delayed? ?????????????????????????????????😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Off course ….this year it happened …as on may 15 …result got delayed
Fake information sometimes says that result will declared 15 may. 18 may last week of may its totally fake
The board did not announce May 15th as the Date, it was a rumor that was created by someone and then spread like wild fire. Always check for announcement by the Board.
By the way this year exams and results were delayed due to elections.
Normally ICSE/ICS results are the first to be declared. In future elections should be postponed and not held at at time to affect students. Politicians and politics can wait, why disrupt a system that has been established and going on smooth for years. MHRD should take cognizance of this and ensure this does not happen in future.
can you tell me the expected date for 10th result ?
14th-25th may
Really but in which date ???
It is mentioned that the results will be announced on June first week.
Its true plz tell me the result would be announced in june or may
Yes but exactly its not displayed any where
18th of may
Please can you tell me correct date of result
Between 18 may to 21 may
i think on 20th may
Can anyone tell the exact results for 10th icse
20th may 3pm
When can we expect ICSE 10th results
Between 1st June to 7th june
when will the icse 2017 results will be published
6 june
It was last year date for results
2nd week of may
Pls Tell the date??
15th May
R u sure …. Is 15th confirm
Nhi koi
18th may
How the hell do you know?
How do you know Aryan
I have heard from various sources such as teachers
How did u say that Aryan
Do we fail, if we fail in the overall science subject??
You should get more than 35% overall inorder to pass…
No you must get 40 %
it is 35% in icse and 40% in isc
It will be available on the first week of June.
No on 15 may
How. Do we calculate the exam percentage????which all subecta should be included???
Consider the marks of the best five subjects (English is compulsory and then take out the total percentage
Is maths important?
No only english is main includable subjecta
When is the result??
18th may
No. It is in the first week of May.
Is percentage given best 5 or 6.?
Hiw is it calculated?
Will ICSE results be released on the 2nd week of May?
I want ICSE Board 10th Results 2017 Information
What is the expected date for ICSE results
When will the ICSE result be announced
I think the expected date is 18th May 2016
please give me a good percentage
please give me a share from that.
Can I have a rope supplied by the council in order to suicide if I fail?
Ya.,if council will not give then I will supply to you.
Ranjeet Singh
If u r not satisfied then I will also give u😁
can u tell me the correct date of icse results 2017
Plzzzz tell me the correct date for ICSE board results.
We were told that results will be declared in first week of June
Who said you?
May 15
ya ..sis.. you are right….!!
i think a strict check on each paper will be done especially history
When the boards result will be declare
18th may-21th may
Sooo late na i am soo fear about my result….
hlo guys… I want to know that whats the overall total
It is confirm may 15 so guys …. be ready
may 15 so guys …. be ready
How do you know about the result
Till now a fixed date for results Haven’t been
Which 5 subjects be consider? Is physics chemistry and bio joined together
Dont worry. Enjoy your holidays. There is still time for the results. Today is just 5th of may 2017.
What enjoy? If jave already started my 11th class studies
When will the result come
Does in ICSE marks increases…..
In which time we can check the results
When are the results?
When is the result going to be out ? Plzz tell me the exact date.
18 th of May….it was so published in the main icse website….
Are the results going to be out on 18 or 15 th ????whats the exact date
subjects include eng (lit+lang)+ best 4
hindi(or any lang)=…
Results to be announced on 15 or 18 of may.
I think result will be out on 18 may
I think 18 may result will be out
Can someone please tell when are the results out?
Different sites are telling different date!
Actually guys I am also bit confused is the result on 18 or 15………….
Can anyone tell me the correct result?
Does anyone know when are the results?
If I get less marks in technical drawing (3rd group)……would best of 5 be applicable (Is best of 5 even there this year)
Chill!!! for most of the chance result will be on 15 may
Let’s have patience till the result is out!
Will moderation be given
Sooooo tensed
Is project marks enough for computer applications.
I don’t think so
What is moderation
Can anyone tell me what is captcha field in icse 2016 results????
Captcha field is a security process in which it is checked that whether you are a human or a robot… Its just too simple to use only a word will be shown but in some creative manner slightly difficult to understand and you have to identify and write down…. Note : it is case sensitive…
Yes ur rite
Wen icse results will come . Can smeone tell me
Guys just hold yourself, the results are going to be out next week only & it may be MONDAY only!!!!
I m very excited to see my board result
Same here!
Let’s pray & have faith on god for our result which will be out soon
15 th of May…
15 th to 18th of May…
First of all them postpone the examination. And now the results. Ugh!
Well tomorrow is 15 th of may……..and yet no news….i think it will be on 18 th or still late…..
guys can u tell me the date of results
When result is going to announce ¿
I wanted to know about the icse 10th class results
When the result are going to be published……?????
I think on 18 may so is written on ICSE official site
No where it’s written
There is no exact news in official web site. So let is chill and how for the best.
There is no exact news in official web site. So let us chill for the time being and hope for the best.
I hope the result comes out tomorrow itself….Good luck everyone 😜
Can u say the exact time n date when results will be released?
which is the ri8 date of result
Is it true that ICSE 2017 10th result will be declared on 15th May 2017??
15th or 18th……?plz give me an accurate information
Is it true, tomorrow is the results?
All the best guys for the result hope every body will pass with flying colours
What is the finalised date of class 10 ICSE result ?
What is the exact date of class 10 ICSE result??
What is the exact time at which the results will be published?…Can any1 say?..
the results for icse Board will be announced today…. Is it confirmed?
I saw the above conversation when several people are confused for the ICSE results date and how the percentage is calculated.
First let me make one thing very clear in no case results will be out today. As an ICSE teacher I am telling not before 25 may 2017 results will be published. It is true that last year results were out by May 6th. But this time as the exams dates are rescheduled due to election in 5 state it’s very difficult to publish the results in this short time.
Now coming to the second query. While calculating the percentage you have to include English and SST(His Civil & Geo) marks, along with this two subjects any best three subjects mark to be calculated. But it completely depends on the school while taking admission on what basis they calculate your marks.
15th may at 3:00 pm result will be announced
R u sure that result would be declared at 3:pm
R u sure that result would be declared at 3:pm
Now it says that results will be out at 10:30 am but the official web sight couldn’t be opened….its showing error.
please tell me when will the results be announced???and at what time??
Expected around Afternoon
But according to the information its around 3 pm is it right
Useless talks
I think it will be announced around 3 pm
Evrywere written “EXPECTED” to be declared today…..
Hi may I know what is this captcha number in results
15 of may
Very informative article with pretty nice information. Thanks buddy 🙂
When the result will be declared
The result will be out soon at 3 pm
Official website is mentioning the date only as 15th MAY but it didn’t mentioned time of the result ?i would to know that on which date and time results are going to display ?and result link also ??
is it correct 3 pm
Some news websites say it wont be published today
When the results will going to be announced
bhai kiya chakkar he koi keh raha he result publiish aaj 3 banje koi keh reh he ke pata nhi
Results may announce after 25th May 2017. As per above discussions.
When will be 10th icse board results will be published .IOn going through the above conversations I “m confused very much. Pl. anyone can clear my doubts..
Is ICSE 10th results really going to be beclared on 18th may
Really on 18 the may
Go through ICSE website to get the result date
How to get result date through website?…
It is actually not finalised. ……
I hope the date will be out soon…..
Is physical education is added to percentage or its a grade?
…it’s before 24th of May/”17″
The expected date for the ICSE result must be between 18 -28 may
What is the exact date for ICSE results
I think that before 25 may result come
Please ! Anybody tell me the result date
Some are telling june n some r tllng may when will it be out i m so much confused n thrilled…i hope that it will be out as soon as possible….😟😟😣😣😭
Some are telling june n some r tllng may when will it be out i m so much confused n thrilled…i hope that it will be out as soon as possible….😟😟😣😣😭
is any one have final date
i think so 24
i too.i am very enthusiastic
If u r not satisfied then I will also give u😁
Plz declare the ICSE result soon
Aaj a rha h result 10:30 pe
Nhi ayaa result yaarooooo
Khuchh to btao
Kab ayega
Pls tell
On this whatsapp number 9760604080
Exact date of ICSE RESUT????
Result date plz tell me..
When will be ICSE results declared?
when will be the result of 10th icse will be declared anybody niow
Please inform us abt d icse results date……
yes brother …everyone is waiting for the icse results!!…
bt there is no information about the date for icse 10th board results
Result of different boards of States have already been published but it is yet to be how long to be awaited ?
Can uh plzz tell when results r going to be out…
isc result when open please inform
why the result not show on the internet
Unless icse results published immediately our + 2 admission will be jeopardised
Result kad auna
10th class board result of ICSE is going to be released on 9th june “CONFIRM”
How are you so confident?
why are the media and the ICSE board playing on the children’s future. The media says that the results will be published soon…and again they say a notification that the results will be announced in next 48 hrs will be published .. what does this mean? The Central Board is taking the children for granted. The students are anxiously waiting and it has been a nightmare and torture for them. Their entire vacation is over waiting for the results. This is highly unfair & injustice. Even the 1st year college is starting for most of the schools from 29th May and the ICSE students are still in dark on their results. Media says the delay is because of elections. If there is election is one state..why should the whole country suffer..???. Isnt it wrong on the education ministry part to delay the results of the innocent children who are not even involved in this politics? Can you please announce the results at the earliest.
The Central Board is taking the children for granted. The students are anxiously waiting and it has been a nightmare and torture for them. Their entire vacation is over waiting for the results. This is highly unfair & injustice. Even the 1st year college is starting for most of the schools from 29th May and the ICSE students are still in dark on their results.
God knows when the result is going to get out.
It is really unfair that, for what reason the board is making all the students to wait for so long. Along with children parents are also under stress. It was informed that on May 15 around 3.00 pm, the results will be declared. But, still no information on the dates yet. State board students are already admitted in many colleges and board is making us to wait like hell. The concerned authority, please be kind enough to announce the results sooner to make our children free from dark and think about starting their next step of life.
Please let us know the date of result as soon as possible
When will be the result be announced that we have to join to school with the support of result
When the result will be declared yaar!!!we are waiting for many dayzzz. …whenever we open the site it was Always showing dat iit will come soon butttt….
###nevr shows a specific date….we request you 2 finalizeDdd da date….. 🙏🙏🙏
Please do not play with our future,if you want to declare the results then please declare it as fast as you could.
Why Board is hesitating to declare results. It has been 34 days since the examination got over. It is unfair on the board if they do not respond to children and parents voice. Even Schools are clueless on the result date. Atleast tell us the confirmed date, so that we can plan our admission accordingly. This is our humble request.
Latest media report says it is on 31st May. Is this true?
Please tell me when the ICSE result will be declared
I’m going to advice the council to keep the rsult with them
Soooo that they can use it for their job as they are not able to discharge there duty in this job
Please declare the results of ICSE because students cannot wait still more
Is English subject is compulsory for paasing or not.?????
s its compulsory
When will be the results of ICSE class 10 will be announced
ICSE 10th Result will be announced on 29th May 2017
will the results be announced???????? we have been waiting from 15 may, really disspointed on result updation
Plzzz say when is our results going to be released plzzz I beg u
Guys finally announced it’s 29th may around 3 pm
And it is final and believe me it is sure that it will be announced on the mentioned date
Yes it is on 29 may final
What are the subjects which I will take in best five if I leave computer science ? Actually I am thinking of taking maths, science, English, 2nd language, social studies
when will 2019 class 10th exam will start plz tell
Does group iii subject computer taken in percentage calculation instead of math